Some searchers have been asking us here on SCHOOLISLE, what are the themes in The Life Changer by Khadija Abubakar Jalli (new JAMB story book)?

Another name for theme is subject matter. Although, strictly both can be differentiated.

So, you can also ask, what is the subject matter in The Life Changer by Khadija Abubakar Jalli – JAMB novel?

In this article, I will share with you the themes or subject matters which are seen in this novel.

Before we proceed, let us take an overview of what theme in a book is all about.


What is theme in a book all about?

Theme simply refers to topics or ideas which can be deduced from a piece of work. It also refers to the subject matter which a piece of work talks about.

Strictly speaking, theme is different from the main title of the book. Theme refers to subtopics which can be seen in a book while title is the main subject matter (major topic) which a book is talks about.

Below are the themes in the JAMB story book:

  • Pride
  • University as a life changer
  • Hope and redemption
  • Life in the University
  • Bribery and corruption
  • What you sow is what you reap – karma
  • Dangers of social media

Each of themes will be explained in full details so you will see how each of them appeared in the novel.

Themes in the Life Changer by Khadija Abubakar Jalli – JAMB Novel

1. Pride and arrogance

Pride and arrogance as themes in the novel are portrayed by Salma in so many places. First, arrogance caused her to boast of her ability to win lecturer’s attention by offering as little as ₦2,000 – ₦3,000 caused by her pride. She said all these in public during her registration while a lecturer interrogated her. Little did she know that the man interrogating her was a lecturer in charge of the registration process.

In another development, she also turns down Habib’s proposal because she was probably afraid of having anything to do with him. But in a way, Salma also saw her refusal as a way of upgrading her respect as a university girl who turned down the proposal of a rich man.

Pride is also seen where she sees her roommates as less sophisticated girls who which cannot live with because they’re not in the same class with her.

2. University as a life Changer

This is the predominant theme in the JAMB novel, The Life Changer by Khadija Abubakar Jalli.

The whole story revolves around how Salma’s university life changed her for good after so many happenings.

In another development, while Omar stated that he was going to the university to enjoy, Ummi, the narrator, saw his naive reasoning and called him to order by telling him that university is a life changer. In other words, university is absolutely different from what one can think of.

The title of the JAMB book is coiled from Ummi’s statement to her son, Omar, when she said, “The University is a Life Changer”.

This theme is also portrayed by Salma as the story revolves around her. She was seems as an arrogant type in the beginning of the novel. She experiences so many difficulties due to the kind of life she lived. Finally, she changes for good at the end of the novel and becomes friend with Ummi.

3. Hope and redemption of the youth

This is one of the main themes in the life changer as the author of the novel tries to convey a message through by employing this theme in her work.

As long as there is life, there is hope of redemption from any form of life one lives.

This book is meant to enlighten the youths of the real situations of life especially in the university. Salma is meant to be an example to all youths out there so they can learn from it.

4. Life in the university

Khadija Abubakar Jalli, the author of The Life Changer uses life in the university to convey her messages.

Life in the university is totally different from what people think or what we see in our regular settings.

While Ummi was describing the life in the university to her children, she explained that one could hardly differentiate between students and lecturers as everyone wears mufti. No one wears uniform except law faculty and few other faculties. She also stated that university life is quite different from live outside the university.

Inability to differentiate between students and lecturers is evident where Salma was having a discussion with a young man whom she never knew was a lecturer. How was she to know that the man was a lecturer? And, if she had known it, she wouldn’t have made some of the comments she made.

Students, especially the females, also dress the way they want. Some dress appropriately while others dress half-naked and nobody can tell them to either continue to wear such or not. No guardian in the university. Everybody lives the way he or she wants.

5. Bribery and corruption

Bribery and corruption as a theme is also predominant in the novel. This theme is first seen in the novel started when Salma described and likened the lecturers to the police who could take just a little token to rig the process.

Corruption is seen where Salma and kolawole engaged in examination malpractice which later fetched them expulsion.

Corruption is also seen when Habib hired Zaki to kidnap Alhaji Musa’s son which they was later messed up. Habib later pays heavily to release Zaki and Talle and also cover up the matter.

Bribery is seen where Salma requested that Habib gives him some money to bribe the chairman of the Examination and Ethics Committee (EMEC) which Habib did. Dr. Kabir gets the money from her through impersonation.

Corruption is also seen when Zaki was hired to attack Dr. Mohamed Kabir to recover some money from him.

6. What you sow is what you reap

This theme is evident in the novel especially in the last part of it.

First, Salma was seen as a pride and arrogant type which warranted misfortunes to follow her. She lost lost Habib to Tomiwa. Habib at last takes advantage of her by sleeping with her before giving her some money.

Salma and kolawole engaged in examination malpractice which later fetched them expulsion.

Dr. Kabir on his own part got some money from Salma fraudulently which he also lost in a fraudulent manner as he was robbed of his winnings and left with bruises.

7. Dangers of social media

The theme of social media dangers is not left out of it. Salim, Salma’s finance is seen in the light where he met a mystery friend on social media. He went to visit the girl but the visitation almost claimed his life.

She also embarks on another journey to meet another girl he met online. The girl turns out to be an ugly one instead of a beautiful girl she pissed to be ok social media.


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