Download NECO SSCE Biology syllabus 2024/2025 for free. This syllabus will show you the area of concentration for this year’s NECO SSCE Syllabus examination. In other words, it gives you all the biology topics, recommended textbooks and authors which you need to read in preparation for the examination.

One thing you should note about the NECO syllabus is that all the biology questions in your examination will come out from there. So, it is real.

SEE ALSO: Download NECO Biology Practical Specimen

The National Examination Council has officially released areas of concentration which i geared towards helping students pass their biology examination. The examination Council understands how difficult most students find biology. For this reason, it has decided to give topic from which all NECO SSCE questions and answers will come out from.


Is NECO Syllabus Real or Fake and How Do I get It?

Yes, NECO syllable is real because it is approved by the National Examination Council (NECO) for all senior secondary students.

Most of the topics in WAEC biology syllabus are also found in NECO syllabus. So, you can the WAEC syllabus to prepare for your NECO examination.

If you are still wondering where to get the real and complete syllable for this year’s biology, you can get it here on this website or from your school.

It is almost hard to find the real syllabus for NECO biology online. For this reason, we have decided to provide you with the correct topics and recommended textbooks in order to help you pass. You can get a hard copy of it from your school or you print from this website.

NECO Syllabus for Biology (Area of Concentration) 2024

1. Introduction to Biology

  • Biology as a science of life
  • Scope of Biology
  • Procedure for biological work
  • The Importants of Biology
  • Function of Biology equipments like the microscope
  • Learn Biological drawings

2. Living Things

Know the classification of living things

Study the life processes in the following organisms;

  • Euglena
  • Amoeba
  • Spirogyra
  • Paramecium
  • Rhizopus
  • Ferns
  • Mosses

Learn how to identify organisms using the biological keys

3. Kingdoms

  • Prokaryotes: (Kingdom Monera)
  • Eukaryotes: Kingdom Protista, Kingdom Fungi, Kingdom Plantae, Kingdom Animalia

4. Levels of classification;

  • Kingdom
  • Phylum
  • Class
  • Order
  • Family
  • Genus
  • Species.

5. Organization of life (Levels of organization)

  • cell
  • Tissue
  • Organ
  • System

6. Cell structure, functions, components, and its environment

  • Animal and plant cells.
  • diffusion
  • osmosis
  • active transport

7. Excretion

8. Growth

9. Movement

10 Reproduction

  • Study the different types of reproduction (asexual and sexual).
  • Know the reproduction process in basic plants and animals as you were taught in the class.

Reproductive system in plants and mammals. Take note and study the following;

  • Male and female reproductive organs.
  • Gametes
  • Fertilization
  • Embryo
  • Fetus
  • Zygote

Study the reproduction process in;

  • bird
  • amphibian
  • fish,
  • reptile
  • mammal.

Know the reproduction process in plants (Pollination)

11. Nutrition

12. Tissues and supporting systems: Skeleton and supporting fluids in animals and plants

13. Systems in plants and animals:

  • Transport System: Transport in plants and animals.
  • Respiratory System: Respiration in plants and animals
  • Excretory Systems: Excretion in Plants and animals
  • Excretory systems: Kidney, stomata, and lenticels

Know the functions of the following;

  • Kidney
  • Liver
  • The skin:

14. Hormones:

  • Animals hormones
  • Plant hormones

15. Glands: Study about the following glands

  • Endocrine glands
  • Pituitary gland
  • Thyroid
  • Adrenal
  • Pancreas
  • gonads

16. Nervous System (central nervous system)

17. Sense Organs and their functions: The five sense organs are;

  • Eye.
  • Ear.
  • Nose
  • Skin
  • Tongue

18. Nutrition in Plant and Animal

  • Plants: Photosynthesis in plants
  • Animals: Source and classes of food, balanced diet, digestive system, mode of Nutrition in different animals and organisms.

19. Dental Formula: Study everything about the teeth.

20. Ecosystem:

  • Food chain and web
  • Energy flow
  • Food and Energy
  • Pyramid of energy and numbers.

21. Ecological Management:

  • Commensalism
  • Parasitism
  • Saprophytism
  • Parasitism
  • Symbiosis
  • Adaptation

22. Pollution:

  • causes of pollution
  • Types of pollutions
  • Sources of pollution
  • Effects of pollution
  • Prevention and management of pollution.

23. Ecology of population

24. Pests:

  • Biological importance of pest.
  • How to control pest

25. Microorganisms: read everything under microorganism.

26. Conservation of Natural Resources like;

  • Soil
  • Minerals
  • Forest
  • Water
  • Wildlife

27. Variation:

  • Variation in Population
  • Morphological Variations
  • Physiological Variations

28. Heredity (Genetics)

  • Chromosomes:
  • Probability in genetics
  • Application of Hereditary in medicine and agriculture

Important terms to note: Find the meaning of the following terms;

  • Gene
  • locus
  • test cross
  • Phenotype
  • Genotype
  • back cross
  • dominant
  • allele
  • recessive

29. Adaptation in plants and animals

30. Evolution.

31. Cell Biology

  1. Endocytosis and Exocytosis
  2. Nucleic acids
  3. The DNA
  4. Protein synthesis
  5. Cell cycle

32. Muscles: Read about the muscle and how it functions

33. Plant Structure

  • Monocotyledon and dicotyledon.
  • Guttation
  • Reproduction: Floral formula

34. Human Health and hygiene

  • Community health
  • First Aid
  • Puberty
  • Ovulation

35. Drugs

  • Drug abuse
  • and, Drugs misuse

36. Application of Biology in Agriculture and technology

  • Fishery
  • Zoology
  • Botany
  •  Food industry
  • Biotechnology
  • Biological fuel
  • Biology in farm practices like bush burning, animal rearing tillage, fertilizer, production of herbicide and pesticide and different farming methods

37. Study about the following

  • Cell theory
  • Irritability
  • protoplasm
  • responses (nastism and taxis)
  • evoke responses such as temperature, pH, etc.

38. Diseases and remedies.

  • Study and know the common diseases of different systems and organs of the body

39. Application of Variations: Study the application of variation in the following fields;

  • Blood transfusion
  • Crime detection
  • Determination of paternity


Download NECO SSCE Syllabus for Biology


How Do I Effectively Use Syllabus for Biology?

I recently published a post discussing extensively, the best way to use exam syllabus. I mentioned very simple way to cover all your topics for each subject.


Syllabus are real and designed to help you pass your examination easily. Ensure you follow it and share your testimony later.


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