Are you looking for a work to do as a college or university student? What kind of hustle is available for students who are still studying? What are good side hustles for college students?

As a student, there are easy and good side hustles or part time works which you can do to support yourself financially. These jobs are available both physically and online. At the end of this article, you will see the list of side hustles for students so that you will be able to choose one side hustle for yourself.

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What kind of side hustle should I go into as a student?

So many works are out there for you as a student. You can be employed or you create a business for yourself (self-employment).

The best kind of hustle to embark on is the self-employed hustle where you will create a business for yourself, bear the full consequences and also enjoy the full profit. This type of business requires some capital to start. On the other hand, if you are employed, you get paid for the job you do. Meanwhile, the business is not yours.

Some employments yield more proceed than a self-employed business. It all depends on the type of work.

I will share both employed and self-employed businesses on this page. Weigh them and make the best choice for yourself. Good luck!

List of Side Hustles for College and University Students

While the side hustles listed below are for all the students, it favours college and university students more because of their academic exposure. A student below college or university levels may need extra effort to achieve good result.

1. Blogging

Blogging is one of the most recommended side hustle for a student at any level. Most bloggers who formerly took blogging as a side hustle now see it as a full time work because of the good result they get.

Anyone can own a blog. Even a twelve year child can own a website which brings him hundreds – millions of dollars every month.

Blogging is a gradual process and perfect side hustle for a student. Now, this is how it works.

  • First, you get a website for yourself. You can create a free blog or buy domain name and hosting for it.
  • Start writing about what you know best. Begin to share your ideas online for others to read. Make sure you share relevant and high quality contents.
  • Though blog monetization and establishment takes quite a long time, it does not fail if only you do the needful (sharing of relevant ideas)
  • Since it’s something you do at your leisure, you do not have to over task yourself to write. However, in blogging, consistency makes everything faster. Therefore, be consistent.
  • Once you get enough quality contents then can monetize your content and start making money.

There are so many ways/platforms to monetize your website as a blogger. The best and easiest way to start earning is by using Google Adsense. It is a free publisher program which allows bloggers to earn from their contents.

Blogging is easy because it is not tasking unlike white collar jobs. You do it at your leisure with a touch of consistency. However, it requires your patience.

2. Find a part time job

You can get employed in an institution such as school. You can work as a part-time teacher. You can also work in a cyber cafe or in a POS shop. You can be a part-time worker in a hotel, hospital or anywhere. You can manage a shop for someone while he/she pays you.

Finding a part time hustle mainly involves doing physical works.

Before you venture into such make sure you plan yourself so that it does not encroach into your academic pursuit. In all you do, never you see your academics as secondary. Academics is the primary thing before other things follow.

To find a job, you search online. Find the most suitable work for yourself. Some adverts also go on on Facebook concerning students jobs. Grab such opportunities.

3. Manage social media pages

This comes with your influential ability. So many individuals, groups, organizations or companies are looking for social media managers. You can apply to become one.

First, you have to be influential on your own social media page. Let people see your influential prowess as it will assure them that you can handle their pages well.

4. Forex Trading

This deals with forecasting of market prices following the price trends. This is one of the side hustles for students since it is not something you do every day.

You can trade on weekends or at your leisure. While this is one of the easiest ways to make money online, it is also one of the most dangerous means of making money. Most persons have lost fortunes in the course of trading. Therefore, before you start forex trading, go for tutotials.

5. Freelancing

This involves offering any kind of services you can to those who need it while you get paid for those services. There are so many freelancing jobs out there. These jobs include:

  • Web designing
  • Graphic designing
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO) service
  • Building of Mobile Application
  • Handling of assignments for clients
  • Writing of term papers or projects
  • Writing of blog posts for blog owners, etc.

For you to get started, create a gig on Fiverr and Upwork. Optimize your gig for better search appearance. Also outline the things (services) you know how to do best.

Demand for the above listed jobs is high. They can serves as better side hustles because you don’t do them all the time and as such won’t interfere in your academic pursuit.

Conclusion: Side hustles for college students

From the list of side hustles above, most of them are performed using electronic device. This simply means that the world has advanced so much in technology. For this reason, I urge readers to get used to electronic devices such as smart phones and laptops.

These days, one needs to have good knowledge of technology in order to go far.

I hope this helps. Do well to share your thoughts with us below.


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