Nnamdi Azikwe University, Akwa (UNIZIK) is no doubt to be one of the best university in Nigeria with the mission of using teaching, research and public service to solve social problems
According to global rankings, UNIZIK is ranked to be 3271 of 14,134 in the World, 75 of 1,104 in Africa and 14th of 157 best universities In Nigeria. The institution was established in 1991 having 14 faculties and 91 departments. In this article, We are going to look at the tuition fees paid by fresh/returning student for 2023/2024 session

Tuition Fees For Fresh Students 2024/2025

S/No Payment Fees Amount (N)
1 School Fees 65,000.00
2 Accreditation Fees 10,000.00
3 Acceptance Fee 16,500.00
4 Departmental & Faculty  Fees (Depending on courses). 7,000 – 14,000
5 GSS Registration & Result Processing Fees 7,000.00
6 Biometric Fee 9,500.00
7 UNIZIK Journal, History Book, Song, Shirts, Security Handbook. 5,500.00
TOTAL YEAR 1 FEES: 120,000.00

Tuition Fees For Returning Student
UNIZIK Tuition fees to be paid by returning
student for 2024/2025 academic session ranges between 20,000 naira to 25 thousand naira (depending on your course or department

UNIZIK Acceptance Fee For 2024/2025 Session
The acceptance fee to be paid by fresh student for 2024/2025 academic session is 16,500. Kindly note that you are to pay your acceptance fee within stipulated period, failure to meet up with the deadline can lead to the termination of admission
How To Pay UNIZIK Acceptance Fee
1 Click on “Pay Acceptance Fee” to pay the acceptance fee
2 Choose Payment Option and click on next to generate invoice
3 Print or copy the RRR number and proceed to the bank for payment.
4 Within 12 hours after payment of the acceptance fee, the admitted student should click the e-clearance menu and follow the other necessary instructions.

Thanks for reading,Kindly note that the fees are not static, We will continue to update you if there is any changes from the school management





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