SIAM also has an opportunity for students to win an undergraduate online research award after participating in their mathematics competition. Outside publishing research works, you can also win an award on the platform.

I know you are looking for how to write and submit or how to access SIAM research works. But I am sure you would like to be part of the competition.

If you are specifically looking for SIAM research works, check out my article on SIAM Undergraduate Research Online (SIURO) to access everything you need about it.

Read through this post and see how to participate in the competition.

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What is SIAM Undergraduate Research?

SIAM Undergraduate Research Online (SIURO) is a web-based publication devoted to applied and computational mathematics undergraduate research. Analysis, discrete mathematics, statistics, operations research, optimization, dynamical systems, modeling, and computation are among the topics covered in the publication. Physical, life, financial, and management sciences and engineering are examples of typical applications.

What is American Mathematical Society?

American Mathematical Society is an organization in advance Research that connects mathematical community. AMS is always open the receive and serve new members and also ensure that their members participate in what they offer.

All the activities carried out by AMS is targeted in advancing mathematics and connecting their members further to the mathematical world.

The society was founded in 1888 to further the interest of Mathematical research and Scholarship and also to serve the national and international community through their publication, meetings, and advocacy.

The aim or functions of this organization is to promote mathematical findings, its communication and application.

Encourage and promote the teaching of Mathematical, understanding and skills, also to support mathematical education at all levels.

The society also aims to advance the profession of mathematics, by encouraging and facilitating full participation of all individuals.

The American Mathematical Society is an organization established to reward excellence in the mathematical field.

AMS as it is fondly called is a mathematical society that is committed to facilitating and promoting equity, diversity and inclusion in Mathematical sciences.

For the long term prosperity of the general public and that of the organization, the discipline must be appropriately connected and incorporated In a the sectors of society.

The American Mathematical Society has reaffirmed its pledge in the organization mission statement which is to ” advance the status of the profession of mathematics, encouraging and facilitating full participation of all individuals,” and also to please all their members to carry out their professional duties with this goal in mind.

The number of his award committee is six , two from each society.

The period the award covers is three years.

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American Mathematical society and SIAM Undergraduate Research Award eligibility

  • The scholarship is awarded to eligible undergraduate students or (students that submitted their work jointly) for excellent research work in mathematics and is entirely endowed by a gift from Mrs. Frank (Brennie) Morgan.
  • To be eligible for this scholarship, prospective applicants must be an undergraduate in a college or University in Canada, Mexico or the U.S.
  • Not more than one Scholarship prize is awarded in a single year and some honorable mentions may be made.
  • The awardee’s research project needs to be contained in a single paper though it may be confined in several papers.
  • The papers to be evaluated for the scholarship prize must be submitted while the prospective recipient is still undergraduate. Papers to be considered can not be submitted after the students graduate.
  • Publication of Research is not mandatory. Since 2009, the award has consisted of $1,200 with.a certificate. The certificate is very necessary for honorable mention and recognition.
  • The money from the award will be used to take care of travel costs for the winner, although efforts will be put to get the winner’s institution to cover the travel cost.
  • The students or a nominator are all eligible to submit research papers for prize consideration.
  • The submission for the award must include a recommendation letter from an official person, usually a faculty member that is familiar with students’ research.
  • The awardee is jointly selected by a committee drawn from AMS, MAA and SIAM. The committee is made of six members, each member to serve a three years tenure. Two of the members are selected by the president of AMS, two by the president of MAA and two by the president of SIAM .
  • The verdict of the committee is supreme.
  • Two of every three consecutive awards of the prize always at joint national meetings of the AMS and MAA.
  • Submission usually closes on 30th June of every year, by the students or the nominator who were still undergraduate in December of the year prior to the year of nomination.

The awards started in 2012 and it is done every five years thereafter. The rules and regulations guiding the awards are usually reviewed by the governing committee drawn from AMS, MAA, and SIAM.

American Mathematical society and SIAM awards Approval and Selection.

The eligible awardee selected by the selection committee is communicated to AMS secretary, the MAA secretary and SIAM secretary who then notify the winner from their society.

The report sent to those Secretary usually contain the Names of the individual, their institution and also citations for each.

Presentation of the American Mathematical society and SIAM Award

As stated above, the joint prize for the undergraduate is presented with the description of the prize, full citation, and the biography of the winner is published in the notices. Most times the recipient’s response may also be published too. During the ceremony the winner’s response is usually brief, not more than 2 minutes.

Discussions and other business of the community can be performed through email, social media and videoconference.

The committee is saddled with the responsibility of publishing a call for nomination Notice before the deadline given.

American Mathematical society and SIAM awards Note to the Chair

Chairman of the committee should be notified, at the beginning of each fiscal period, of the committee budget and caution to remain within the budget.

Expenses such as travel reimbursement, accommodations and meals for guests fall on the jurisdiction of these budgets.

For the purpose of recording or documenting the committee activities, the secretary uses a central file system to document and archive the committee records.

The records will be submitted to the governing body annually by the committee chairman.

Chairs can also decide to submit material at their discretion some material that they may be asked to provide includes Meeting minutes, agenda and emails.

Confidential material should also be noted so that it will be handled confidentially.

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