About Eton Kings Scholarship

The goal of the examination is to select the King’s Scholars, accommodated in College under the care of the Master-in-College. The number of vacancies in College changes from year to year, but averages fourteen. An Election Roll is published at Eton after the examination. The Roll contains all those who have qualified for King’s Scholarships, and the Annah Shaw and Martineau awards.

Eton Kings Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

  • Applicants must either be aged 13 on Monday 1 September 2024 or must have turned 14 during August 2024
    where Eton has previously agreed that the boy may defer his entry by a year due to an August birthday.
  • All candidates from UK schools are required to have taken the computerized Eton List Conditional Place Test and achieve a satisfactory score. Those boys who have not already taken the test at the age of 11 may still apply and will be required to take the test on Tuesday 25 January 2024.
  • Applications received after Monday 3 January 2024 will be required to take the test on Tuesday 8 February 2024. Those who achieve a satisfactory score will then be entered for the Scholarship examination.
  • For candidates attending schools outside the UK who are not registered, an alternative option is available which would avoid travel to the UK for assessment and hence reduce costs. Such candidates may be assessed by UKiset (https://www.ukiset.com/), taking their test locally and the results submitted to the Director of
    Admissions. A decision would then be made as to whether the candidate would be eligible to sit for the King’s Scholarship. Eton would prefer that the test is taken in the autumn term (September – December) of the scholarship year but would consider tests taken earlier. Those considering this option should contact UKiset either by e-mail at [email protected] or by telephone on +44 (0) 207 766 9792. UKiset must provide the complete set of results to [email protected] by 5 January 2024.
  • Prior to Friday 25 March 2024, we must receive from a candidate’s current head teacher a report which demonstrates to our satisfaction that the candidate is sufficiently strong academically to sit the King’s Scholarship examination.
  • No boy who is already in the school may compete.
  • If a candidate is found to have accepted a scholarship or similar award at another school, he shall not be allowed to sit for or complete the examination, or if he has completed the examination his name shall not appear on or shall be removed from the Election Roll unless the authorities of the school where he has already obtained an award shall first have signified to the Provost their concurrence in the boy’s candidature at Eton.

Eton Kings Scholarship Examinations 2023-2024

The examinations for potential King’s Scholars are held at Eton in late April and/or early May for entry in September. Candidates must either be aged 13 on Monday 1 September of the year of entry or have turned 14 during August that year, where Eton has previously agreed that the boy may defer his entry by a year due to an August birthday.

Applications must be returned to Admissions by the date shown in the current Prospectus: a candidate does not need to be registered in order to apply. The application form is relevant only for the current year of entry, as shown on the website.

Admissions offer some open afternoons for boys in Year 8 to give potential candidates and their parents the opportunity to learn about the College House environment and details of the King’s Scholarship examinations.


  1. The Scholarship Hub: Find Free Scholarships in the United Kingdom (UK)
  2. Roux Scholarship Programme in UK – How to Apply
  3. Black Heart Foundation Scholarship Application in UK & US
  4. BPP University Scholarship in the United Kingdom (UK) – How to Apply
  5. Football Scholarship Application in UK

How To Apply for Eton Kings Scholarship 2023-2024

Boys who have a conditional place must, on the application form, choose whether they are applying for a King’s Scholarship, and hence a place in College, or not.

If having submitted the application form, a parent wishes to reverse the decision as to whether their son is applying for a King’s Scholarship or not, he/she must both confirm this by e-mail and by phone with Mrs. Sally Hayter in Admissions. After the deadline of 5 January 2024, the decision is irreversible.

All candidates without a conditional place who take the examinations must apply for a place in College. A copy of the application form for a candidate not holding a place at Eton College may be downloaded from the webpage www.etoncollege.com/admissions/scholarships-and-awards/kings-scholarships. Candidates holding a conditional place (and their schools) will be sent a shortened application form by email in October.

NB: Applications and other documents should be sent by EMAIL to [email protected] by 5 January 2024 wherever possible. Any applications that arrive after this date will not be processed.

Eton Kings Scholarship Deadline 2024

All applications to take the King’s Scholarship examination must be received by 5 January 2024, The 2024 Scholarship Examination will take place between Tuesday 3 May and the afternoon of Thursday 5th.

Eton Kings Scholarship FAQs

Below are frequently asked questions about Eton Kings Scholarship. Feel free to contact them at the button of this article if you still have questions.

At Eton College, a King’s Scholar (known as a “Colleger” or colloquially as a “tug”) is one who has passed the College Election examination and has been awarded a Foundation Scholarship and admitted into a house known as “College”, the premises of which are situated within the original ancient purpose-built college.

Yes. Johnson gained a King’s Scholarship to study at Eton College, a boarding school near Windsor in Berkshire.

Boys who have a conditional place must, on the application form, choose whether they are applying for a King’s Scholarship, and hence a place in College, or not.
and Awards. Scholarships are at the very heart of Eton. Henry VI created the school for his 70 King’s Scholars in 1440 and they still exist nearly 600 years later.
Entry to Eton is competitive and thus only boys with high potential may be awarded a place. Aristocratic or privileged backgrounds are no longer necessary requirements for entry. An increasing number of pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds are now able to apply and receive funding.
Eton College
Colour(s) Eton blue
Song Carmen Etonense
Publication The Chronicle Etonomics The Lexicon
School fees £46,296 per year US$55,875 per year
Welcome to Eton College, a boarding school for boys aged between 13 and 18. Everyone at Eton works hard to create an exciting, stimulating, and caring environment, to enable each boy to reach his full potential. All our pupils are also expected to make their own contribution to school life.
All applications are then considered by the Bursaries Committee, chaired by the Bursar. We support as many applications as possible. In 2020/21, 261 pupils received fee reductions; 90 of these boys paid no fees at all. The average award was 68% of the fee.
Current Prime Minister Boris Johnson is an Etonian and so are Prince William, George Orwell, Hugh Laurie, Tom Hiddleston, and Bear Grylls. Here are all the UK Prime Ministers who attended Eton over the years.
Amid an ongoing row after the recent dismissal of English master Will Knowland, Education Secretary Gavin Williamson said he would be “very much in favor” of Eton College admitting girls.
E.g. for Westminster, you would need CAT scores of 132 (or Atom standardized scores 6-8 points lower), St Paul’s 128 (Atom around 120-122), Eton 127 (Atom ~119-121), etc.
Roedean has thus been able to remain what it has always been — an archetypal English girls’ boarding school. Although the fee for tuition, room, and board now approaches $5,000 a year, enrollment is a record 950.

Contact Details

Any questions about the information in this booklet should be directed to the College Examination Secretary
c/o Mrs. Sally Hayter via [email protected] or 01753 370612.

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