Arkwright Scholarship is the Smallpeice Trust program (an enlisted charity) for Engineering students and is the most prestigious scholarship plan of its type in the United Kingdom (UK).

About Arkwright Scholarships

The Arkwright Engineering Scholarship is an honor given to engineering students in the United Kingdom and the Channel Islands. It has been functioning since 1991 and, as part of The Smallpeice Trust, has granted over 5,000 scholarships to date.

The scholarships are granted through strict selection to the highest-caliber students from all academic
backgrounds to help them through their A Levels, Scottish Highers, or International Baccalaureate. Scholarships consist of an annual financial prize to the Scholar and to their school, and a capacity for enrichment activities that improve a Scholar’s understanding of their chosen field of engineering, such as mentoring and industry visits. Scholars are encouraged to study engineering, and the most common destinations for scholars are the University of Cambridge, Loughborough University, and Imperial College London.

Arkwright Scholarship Requirements 2024

Arkwright Engineering Scholarships are for the ‘most promising and best students that have the passion and determination to thrive in their future studies and career:

  • You must have a strong passion to have a future career as a leader in the Engineering Discipline
  • When you apply, you must be in the school year in which you will pose your GCSEs, Scottish National 5s, International Baccalaureate Standards, BTEC level 2s, or comparable exams
  • You must plan to stay at school or sixth form college for two years to study A levels, BTEC level 3 Diploma/Extended Diploma, Scottish Highers / Advanced Highers, or the International Baccalaureate higher level
  • Unless looking for a BTEC Level 3 in engineering, applicants must commit to study one of the following subjects to A level (England, Wales & Northern Ireland), or Advanced Higher (Scotland):
    • Engineering Science
    • Mathematics
    • Physics
    • Computer Science

Arkwright Scholarships Amount

You obtain £600 as part of the Scholarship – use this grant to support the purchase of components and materials to meet your technical projects or improve your curriculum projects, Your school receives £400 if you secure a Scholarship which it must consume on equipment, materials or teacher training to improve the delivery of STEM subjects.

Arkwright Scholarship can help you to become a future leader in engineering, computing, or technical design.


How to Apply for Arkwright Scholarship

Talk to your teacher if you are interested in applying for an Arkwright Scholarship. Applications are open between September and January each year.

Your school must be partnered with the Arkwright Engineering Scholarships program before you can apply for a Scholarship. Ask your teacher to finish the school partnership form if your school is not yet partnered. The partnership is quick, simple, and FREE.

You must apply during Year 11 (England and Wales), S4 (Scotland), and Year 12 (Northern Ireland). The Scholarship will be awarded as you begin Year 12 (England and Wales), S5 (Scotland), and Year 13 (Northern Ireland) to study subjects that will prepare you for a university degree or higher-level apprenticeship and career in Engineering, computing, or technical design.

A £40.00 administration fee is expected, by April, for each student application. This helps to shield the cost of Arkwright’s rigorous selection process. This fee may be expected by the School or the applicant’s parents relying on local arrangements (which are beyond the control of Arkwright Engineering Scholarships). Teachers should determine how best the fee can be paid.

The selection process consists of five stages:

  1. Online student application, supported by a teacher – October – January
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  2. Two-hour student aptitude exam – by February
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  3. If you pass stages 1 and 2 then: a 20-minute online interview – from April – May
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  4. If you meet the Arkwright eligibility we will then match you to a sponsoring organization which will enable us to award you an Arkwright Engineering Scholarship – from May – September
  5. The Scholarships are granted at prestigious Awards Ceremonies in London and Edinburgh – October/November
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Deadline and opening dates

2024 Key Dates

  • Applications open: October 2023
  • Teachers select students via the portal: January 2024
  • Students submit finished online applications to teachers through the portal: 4 pm January 2024 (EXTENDED TO JANUARY 2024)
  • Teachers present completed applications to Arkwright via the portal: 4 pm January 2024 (EXTENDED TO JANUARY 2024)
  • Aptitude Exam: Wednesday 2 February 2024
  • Interviews: April and May 2024

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